I really don't know any other way to start this other then to introduce myself, and give you a little peek into my life.
I'm 23, married, and live I live in Phoenix, AZ where the best way to describe the heat is"Hot as Balls". I was born and raised here and I could never leave this spicy hell I call home. If it wasn't for the 114 degree temperatures I'm pretty sure everyone and their babies mamma mamma would be up and hurr. (Yeah, that's right, I can be ghetto at times. Please, just roll with it.) For the record I did have an adorable house in a adorable neighborhood, but as the crime rate escalated so did my husbands and mines arguments. We decided, in the long term, we wouldn't want to raise our children in that area and moved back home to Mesa, a smaller city on the east side to be closer with family and friends. So, what do you do when have your house rented out to renters and the economy is soo poopy you can't sell your house? You shack up with the parentals. That's what! Please stay tuned, where only insanity can ensue. -In all seriousness though, I love-age them and they are the best secondary parents I could ever ask for. Say it with me now. Awwwwwwww.....
Anyway, back at the ranch.... I work at a non-profit in Phoenix that deals with music. How's that for discreet? To say the least I have learned a lot about classical music, that I care to know. But let's be honest. Phoenix is lacking the culture and no one seems to notice or care. Come on Phoenicians let's give San Fran a run for their money!
My family also consists of a 8 month old pug named LuLu, and from time to time I'll update her corner with cute or not so cute things she does. Just for fun, let's pretend that you really care.
Well, if there's anything else you would like to know about me that doesn't get answered in the 3 lists below, please feel free to holla at me. Let's get the ball rolling shall we?
Random tid bits:
I don't know how to swim. I live in AZ and I have never been to the Grand Canyon.I can read, listen to music and chew gum all at the same time... Go me! I don't like musicals, therefore I have never seen the following:"The Sound of Music", "Annie","Rent", and any other musical that I'm *Missing*out on. Been told I can be ghetto... I can't confirm or deny that allegation. I'm the only child, nuff said.
Things I Lurve: Hello Kitty, the color pink,the smell of a new book,reading slow enough to digest every morsel of an authors words, monsoon season, sketching peoples eyes and giving them dramatic eye lashes, making up scary, sad, funny, and embarrassing scenarios in my head about myself or others, pretending to know how to sing and writing my name over and over on paper to see which type of way I like to sign my name.
Things I want to punch: People with bad manners, hangers on the bedroom floor, driving, the fact that I sound like "Popeye" when I laugh,holding my breath when I want to cry, white girls and gang signs, the chick from the Progressive commercials. Hair on my toothbrush. Being called, "A whale of a wife." Being in an awkward conversation/situation.
*I'm VERY new to this blogging thing, like poppin my cherry new. So, if you could please bare with me, I'll try to catch on as fast as I can.