Thursday, July 23, 2009

Music I Love Right Now...

I'm a very influenced by music.I rely on music like people rely on a boat to get them back to shore. It carries me through life,helping me find my way. It helped me cope through the hardest times.Help me remember the good ones. As CCS said it best, "Music Is My Boyfriend".

Just kidding, hubs.

Anyway, as my way of giving back to the world. Every once in awhile I'm going to suggest some songs that everyone should listen to a least once. It will change your life. I promise.

Ready? Set. Go!

I'm really into this chick right now. My Pandora "Kate Nash" Radio LOV
ES this bish. And I must say, she's pretty good. A Fine Frenzy- "Almost Lover"

Next up is White Rabbits with "Percussion Gun". This song was free from iTunes, along with the other ones on the "Indie Spotlight Rock/Alternative" album. I wasn't really expecting anything from this album, but boy was I pleasantry surprised.

Moving right along to Dirty Projectors with "Stillness is the Move" this is the "new" Tegan and Sara of girl music, if you will. I Love the repetitive guitar in the background. Really get's me in the mood to have a good time. -Another great song from "Indie Spotlight" In other words, go pick up this awesomely FREE album.

Let us not forget Feist, "Mushaboom" this song is actually featured on the new "Break- Through" Movie of the summer, "500 Days of Summer". This song will get you in the mood for a nice day trip. So sweet.

Last, but not least is The Black Eyes Peas with "Rock Your Body". Man, can this song get you moving. It's great for a work out and gives you flash back to "It Takes Two" by Rob Base. And who CANT get moving with that song? It's basically... well, rocks your body!

Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Five more years...

I had a dream the other night that I was graduating from High school and I wasn't in a cap or gown and I wasn't prepared for anything. Instead I was wearing jeans and t-shirt and praying to God that no one would laugh at me. I soon realized a lot of my classmates were not in cap and gown either. Yay! I was not alone. But I was so uncomfortable and was hating the situation. Most like every other high school dream I have. Where I'm ALWAYS running late to class and I have no IDEA where my next class is. When I woke up, I still had that same empty feeling lingering as one usually does when they have a very emotional dream. I think you may know where I'm going with this, kids.

My high school reunion is in 5 years.


I know, I know. I shouldn't really be worrying about it. I'm not even sure if I will go. But to know that it's only 5 short years away really freaks me out. Have I done all the things I have wanted to by then? Or am I even half way there?

No, and no.

In high school, I was not popular at all. I was in the "hey, I know of you, but you're still a nobody to me..." kinda clique. I'm not going to complain. I was never bullied, I never had to eat alone, and I always had a blast with my friends. I wasn't one of those people who hated high school and wasn't clawing my way out by the end of senior year.
We were the type to sing "Give It Up" by The Format on the top of our lungs when we were driving home in the summer heat.
I was the one who ran to my best friends as soon as the caps hit the ground and hugged them with all my might, with hot tears streaming down my face. So many emotions went through me at that moment that I couldn't do anything else but cry. And then laugh at how finally we were graduated and we could finally start our life.

Of course, I would still like to see how all the popular kids turned out. How fat they got, how bitchy they still are... you know things like that.

I do plan on having a kid or two around that time. I plan to have a great house, a stable life and a loving and healthy family. That's all I could really ask for. That's what I'm really looking forward to. A lot of happy memories in the near future.

So, I'm taking this dream as a reminder to not forget to work for what I want. To be happy in the now. And who cares if I don't have a butt load of money, or fancy cars, and a cutting edge career. - That stuff is over rated anyway! I will have my friends and family to keep me company on this wonderful journey called life.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thing's That Make Me Happy Right Now...

1. My speedometer finally works after 2 and a half year "break". Glad to know what speed I'm going... not that it matters now.

2 Going to see an advance screening of "The Ugly Truth"tomorrow night. Hey, it's free and I'm a girl. Need I say more? Plus, I love Katherine Hiegel-Her boobs are amazing. That's what my boobs want to look like when they grow up.

3. I spent a good amount of Q.T with my mom tonight. Sometimes it's nice to reconnect with the one who gave birth to you.

4. The hubby is half way through his horrible night class. Meaning I don't have to ride the stupid bus twice a week. Win, Win, WIN situation.

5. Going shopping for knitting supplies for a knitting class I'm taking next week. I really want learn how to knit and I convinced my mother in law and sister in law to come with me, because I'm a baby and I don't like to go by myself. Ha!

6. Free pastry day at Starbucks. Go get a mediocre muffin with that Frap!

Good night lovies.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have a goal friends.

At some point, in the near future. I would really like to start up a clothing line for cute and adorable T-shirts for young adults. They would be sorta trendy. I mean they have to sell right? Reasonably priced, and fit all sizes.

Now. The question is what's holding me back? The creating part. The money part. The fact that I won't succeed part. Oh, yeah that part.

It's one thing to be creative. But you can't forget about the like-ablity of your product as well. I have a few ideas. I talked with a friend who actually does this kind of stuff for a living. It's not as complex as it may seem. As I try to figure out how to start his wonderful journey, I'll be sure to let you all in on the secret. I would love more then anything to have someone be completely happy with what I created. Art on a shirt if you will.

Is there a goal that you have? If so, I would love to hear about it. :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Things That are Hot Right Now

-The AZ sun, burning so hot and bright, I just might light on fire.

- "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" because he who doesn't want to see Harry whip out his wand?

- Phoenix. The band! Not the city. Seriously, good stuff!

- Rainn Wilson. He will make you laugh your socks off.

- Second best thing if you run out water. Or if you're like me. Lazy TIGI Rockaholic

-The Bees knees. Love this.

Have a Happy Weekend!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

On My Wedding

I feel that yesterday's post was like me sitting in front of a classroom reeling off anything that came to mind and saying it as fast as I could. So. I'm going to write something I have told many times before, because 1.) It's very important to me and 2.) No one believes me.

On January 14, 2008 my husband asked me to marry him. On February 2, 2008 we got married. That's right kids, if you can add, and I hope you can, our engagement lasted a whole 18 days! (Actually 16 days, but I will get to that later.) So, now you are probably thinking, "Hm. Was this a shot gun wedding?" The answer is no. My brilliant husband thought I would turn into one of those crazy Bridezilla's and go completely crazy and order a Oreo cookie wedding cake. Hey-I ain't above it. After we re-assured my mom, my hubby's mom, my best friend, my co- workers and everyone else who thought i was pregnant that i wasn't... it was pretty much the most chaotic week in a half of my life. We had to plan and organize 3 things a night, all the way up to the big day.We walked around like zombies from the lack of sleep, and I kept dreaming that I was going to be late for the wedding or that i forgot what day the wedding was on. Most nights I would wake up with a cold sweat and sheets clenched in my hands. Friends. I don't recommend getting that fast. Not even a little bit. Sometimes I regret doing it so fast-that's what she said... when I hear about women planning out their luxurious wedding plans, picking out their bridesmaids dresses at some cute boutique on Main st. -Yeah, I bought mine from Target. com. (Free shipping) I sometimes wonder how it would be if I did have the $10,000 wedding at my disposal. I would probably look something like this. So, maybe my hubby did know better. Well, as if planning a wedding less then a fortnight wasn't enough, our Reverend got sick the morning of the wedding. You know who else got sick? The groom! Well, good thing we got married 2 days before, huh? Did i lose you? Sorry. Hoo-kay... I'll let you all in on a little secret. Not even my best friend knows this... aren't you special? The hubby wanted us to exchange our vows, just the two of us on our actual anniversary of our first date, January 31st. Well, that day was on a Thursday. So, we thought we would be all cute and romantic and get married in the courtesy of our own home where we were relaxed and shared so many good memories. Where we would eventually raise or family... blah, blah, blah. You have my permission to barf now. Anyhoo, we called our good friend the Rev to marry us in our living room. On the floor. In front of my hubby's best friend and the Rev's wife. Our two witnesses. It was great. We took pics, signed papers, kissed and hugged and went out to dinner. Well, let's just say our fake wedding was the exact opposite! I woke up to the sound of my hubby barfing his Tom's BBQ out at 2a.m in the morning of February 2nd. And you can't say it was nerves, because we were already marred. No, he had the stomach flu. Yay! We were really close to calling off the wedding because at this point he was glued to the bathroom floor. And hey, we were already married!! So, like the good wife that I'am, I comforted my husband and held his hair back and everything. We ended up going through with Wedding No.2 having a ceremony that was only 5min long, I kid you not. Poor guy was pale as a ghost and i swear he was going to puke on me right before he kissed me for the "first time" as man and wife. So you are probably wondering who married us huh? My father in-law of course!! I mean, we were already married, what did we care? We just told them the Rev signed all that shiz earlier and we were good to go! So, our Wedding's were a success and all's well that end's well. And people keep telling me, "The worse the wedding, better the marriage."

Well, I guess I'm just going to have to find out...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello World!

I really don't know any other way to start this other then to introduce myself, and give you a little peek into my life.

I'm 23, married, and live I live in Phoenix, AZ where the best way to describe the heat is"Hot as Balls". I was born and raised here and I could never leave this spicy hell I call home. If it wasn't for the 114 degree temperatures I'm pretty sure everyone and their babies mamma mamma would be up and hurr. (Yeah, that's right, I can be ghetto at times. Please, just roll with it.) For the record I did have an adorable house in a adorable neighborhood, but as the crime rate escalated so did my husbands and mines arguments. We decided, in the long term, we wouldn't want to raise our children in that area and moved back home to Mesa, a smaller city on the east side to be closer with family and friends. So, what do you do when have your house rented out to renters and the economy is soo poopy you can't sell your house? You shack up with the parentals. That's what! Please stay tuned, where only insanity can ensue. -In all seriousness though, I love-age them and they are the best secondary parents I could ever ask for. Say it with me now. Awwwwwwww.....
Anyway, back at the ranch.... I work at a non-profit in Phoenix that deals with music. How's that for discreet? To say the least I have learned a lot about classical music, that I care to know. But let's be honest. Phoenix is lacking the culture and no one seems to notice or care. Come on Phoenicians let's give San Fran a run for their money!
My family also consists of a 8 month old pug named LuLu, and from time to time I'll update her corner with cute or not so cute things she does. Just for fun, let's pretend that you really care.

Well, if there's anything else you would like to know about me that doesn't get answered in the 3 lists below, please feel free to holla at me. Let's get the ball rolling shall we?

Random tid bits:
I don't know how to swim. I live in AZ and I have never been to the Grand Canyon.I can read, listen to music and chew gum all at the same time... Go me! I don't like musicals, therefore I have never seen the following:"The Sound of Music", "Annie","Rent", and any other musical that I'm *Missing*out on. Been told I can be ghetto... I can't confirm or deny that allegation. I'm the only child, nuff said.

Things I Lurve: Hello Kitty, the color pink,the smell of a new book,reading slow enough to digest every morsel of an authors words, monsoon season, sketching peoples eyes and giving them dramatic eye lashes, making up scary, sad, funny, and embarrassing scenarios in my head about myself or others, pretending to know how to sing and writing my name over and over on paper to see which type of way I like to sign my name.

Things I want to punch: People with bad manners, hangers on the bedroom floor, driving, the fact that I sound like "Popeye" when I laugh,holding my breath when I want to cry, white girls and gang signs, the chick from the Progressive commercials. Hair on my toothbrush. Being called, "A whale of a wife." Being in an awkward conversation/situation.

*I'm VERY new to this blogging thing, like poppin my cherry new. So, if you could please bare with me, I'll try to catch on as fast as I can.