Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Five more years...

I had a dream the other night that I was graduating from High school and I wasn't in a cap or gown and I wasn't prepared for anything. Instead I was wearing jeans and t-shirt and praying to God that no one would laugh at me. I soon realized a lot of my classmates were not in cap and gown either. Yay! I was not alone. But I was so uncomfortable and was hating the situation. Most like every other high school dream I have. Where I'm ALWAYS running late to class and I have no IDEA where my next class is. When I woke up, I still had that same empty feeling lingering as one usually does when they have a very emotional dream. I think you may know where I'm going with this, kids.

My high school reunion is in 5 years.


I know, I know. I shouldn't really be worrying about it. I'm not even sure if I will go. But to know that it's only 5 short years away really freaks me out. Have I done all the things I have wanted to by then? Or am I even half way there?

No, and no.

In high school, I was not popular at all. I was in the "hey, I know of you, but you're still a nobody to me..." kinda clique. I'm not going to complain. I was never bullied, I never had to eat alone, and I always had a blast with my friends. I wasn't one of those people who hated high school and wasn't clawing my way out by the end of senior year.
We were the type to sing "Give It Up" by The Format on the top of our lungs when we were driving home in the summer heat.
I was the one who ran to my best friends as soon as the caps hit the ground and hugged them with all my might, with hot tears streaming down my face. So many emotions went through me at that moment that I couldn't do anything else but cry. And then laugh at how finally we were graduated and we could finally start our life.

Of course, I would still like to see how all the popular kids turned out. How fat they got, how bitchy they still are... you know things like that.

I do plan on having a kid or two around that time. I plan to have a great house, a stable life and a loving and healthy family. That's all I could really ask for. That's what I'm really looking forward to. A lot of happy memories in the near future.

So, I'm taking this dream as a reminder to not forget to work for what I want. To be happy in the now. And who cares if I don't have a butt load of money, or fancy cars, and a cutting edge career. - That stuff is over rated anyway! I will have my friends and family to keep me company on this wonderful journey called life.

1 comment:

  1. Way to be friend! You are such an amazing woman (not to mention a wonderful friend) and I know life will bring with it all that you deserve! Go to that reunion when the time comes and be proud of who you are, of your awesome husband, and everything else! Those "popular" people have nothing on you! I mean, who else can shank someone on the light rail like you can? hehehe Love ya!
